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Secret of the seed

After sowing the seeds, the farmer went and slept. The next morning he saw the seeds sprout and grow – he did not know how. It was wondrous and mysterious. After a deep sleep, suddenly the seeds woke up to the light of the day and sent out first green shoots. They were waiting for the right conditions of water, air and light to be met.

The tiny seed contains within it all it needs to germinate – the recipe to build a plant or tree of its kind. It is no different from a human embryo. From the moment of conception the embryo contains genetic information for the rest of its life. Same way the seed contains instructions to grow and bear it’s kind of fruit or flower, or to shoot up its branches high in the sky.

What an amazing process is the germination of seeds. The scientific world still doesn’t fully understand what happens inside a seed as it comes to life. God, the Creator’s infinite wisdom is clearly seen even in such a small grain. The same wisdom that covers the skies with clouds and waters it’s ridges abundantly; wisdom that settles the furrows and makes it soft with showers and blesses it’s growth.

It is that Creator who deserves worship from His creations. He needs to be glorified and thanked. But many a time man’s heart is darkened. He becomes futile in his thoughts and exchanges the truth of God for a lie, and worships and serves the creature rather than the Creator.


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