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The skies opened up and the rain poured down. It rained until the last leaf was drenched and every well was full.

How wonderful the rain is! It quenches. It nourishes. Attempts to artificially ‘bring’ rain have been made by man for decades amid water shortages. In a process called cloud seeding, particles of salts are sprayed onto clouds using special aircraft. These salt particles draw water vapor within the cloud towards them, leading to the formation of raindrops.

Many nations have turned to cloud seeding to summon rainfall during droughts. Sometimes for other purposes too! To ensure clear skies for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government used cloud seeding to ‘use up’ the existing clouds in the days leading up to the event! That was successful. But all such experiments may not go smoothly. Sometimes cloud seeding has led to disasters like floods and sudden temperature drops, that showed the potential results of toying with the forces of nature.

The expense of ‘making’ rain is very high – sometimes higher than its benefits. When this technology helps to regulate the weather locally, it can also change the patterns of rain other people receive hundreds of miles away. And there is still no convincing scientific proof of the efficacy of intentional weather modification.

Man ‘making’ the rain is one thing. God opening the heavens to bring the same is another! Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the God of heaven. He gives rain in it’s season, both the autumn rain and the spring rain. Yes, He is good; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.


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