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Good news of great joy

On that first Christmas night 2000 years ago, an angel appeared to the shepherds who were taking care of their flocks at night and delivered them the first Christmas message: "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ."


The Christmas message has not changed after all these years. Christmas still reminds us that God came to earth in human form as a Savior - "to save the people from their sins.” The word “save” is a radical word. You do not save someone who just needs a little help. You save someone who is unable to do anything to save himself. We might think that we are good enough to win God’s favor or that we can do some good deeds to compensate for our bad ones. But the Scriptures state that we are all condemned and stand under the judgment of God, for “there is no one righteous, not even one." We cannot save ourselves; we need a Savior. There was a price to be paid for our sins. Only Jesus could do that. On the cross, all our sins were placed on Him, and He became the final sacrifice for our sins. And He is alive today to conquer despair, to impart hope, and to forgive sins. He is alive to reconcile us to God.


While many of us give and receive gifts during the Christmas season, Jesus, the Son of God, came down from heaven to give us the greatest gift any person can ever receive - the gift of salvation.



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